Ethiopia Nationalparks -
trips - Äthiopien Reisen

The sulphurous mineral springs, in the Lake Shala -Abiata National Park, have their special charm. Here you can bury yourself till your neck in the cosy, warm curing mud. The National Park also attracts many birds, including vast colonies of flamingoes, fish eagles, cormorants, ostriches, storks, pestles etc. There is also the most important breeding colony of great pink pelicans in the whole Rift Valley !

lake SHALLA  healing springs - SCHALLA See  Heilquellen

lake SHALLA  hot springs - SCHALLA See  Mineralquellen

Die schwefelhaltigen Heilquellen im Lake Schalla - Abijatta Nationalpark haben ihren besonderen Reiz. Hier kann man sich bis zum Hals in den wohlig warmen, heilenden Schlamm eingraben. Im Nationalpark werden Sie außerdem die zahlreichen Vogelarten erfreuen. Flamingos, Fischadler, Kormorane, Strauße, Störche, Reiher usw., außerdem befindet sich hier die bedeutendste Brutkolonie des großen Rosapelikans im ganzen Rift Valley !

Arba Minch - lake - Chamo - See

ARBA MINCH - Pelicans - Pelikane

ARBA MINCH  -  Crocodiles - Krokodile

ARBA MINCH - Hippopotami - Flusspferde

AWASSA - Sunset - Sonnenuntergang

Located within the Horn of Africa, Ethiopia covers an area of 1.2 million Square Kilo Meters. Ethiopia is the 7th largest country in Africa and it is as large as France and Spain together. Much of Ethiopia’s land consists of high plateau and river streams. Ethiopia’s climate can be categorized as Dega meaning cold temperature (10-15 degree centigrade), Weina Dega meaning moderate temperature (16-20 degree centigrade), Kolla meaning worm temperature (20-30 degree centigrade) and Bereha meaning hot temperature over 30 degree centigrade. Ethiopia’s geography is unique. Its magnificent landscape ranges from desert areas to forested highlands. At 4,620 meters, Mount Ras Dashen is the highest mountain in Ethiopia and the forth highest in Africa. Twenty mountains rise to more than 4,000 meters. The waters of the Abay river of Blue Nile feed Lake Tana and flow into the Nile and 86% of its water originates in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is also endowed with huge manpower, arable land and natural resources. However, much of its resources are yet to be exploited. For example, out of 60 per-cent of its agricultural potential, only 15 percent has been developed thus far. Ethiopia’s livestock wealth is the 1st in Africa and 9th in the world; however, its contribution to the national economy is very limited. The same is true to its mineral resources. Ethiopia is truly a land of contrasts and extremes; a land of remote and wild spaces. Some of the highest and most stunning places on the African continent are found here. Examples are: the jaggedly carved Semen Mountains, one of UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites and some of the lowest such as the hot but fascinating Danakil depression with its Sulphur fumaroles and Lunar-Like landscape. Ethiopia is old, old beyond all imagination. As Abyssinia, its culture and tradition dates back over 3000 years and far older than that lived ‘Lucy’ or Dinkenesh meaning ‘thou art wonderful’, as she is known to Ethiopians, whose remains were found in a corner of the country of mystery and contrasts. Ethiopia is home to the lion, leopard and cheetah, but too many other species as well. A short list would include the giraffe, elephant, rhinoceros, wild pig, warthog and various species of Ibex (including the rare Waliya), duiker, antelope, gazelle, zebra, buffalo, monkey, baboon, hyena, jackal and wolf. Some of these creatures exist in larger populations in neighboring countries like Kenya but Ethiopia probably boasts wilder mammal species than any other country in the world. Around 25 bird species are endemic to Ethiopia. The ostrich, one of Ethiopia’s 800 bird species, dwarfs many. Some of these mammal animals are also unique to Ethiopia. The countries plant life is equally diverse. Through out its long history, Ethiopia had to defend itself against foreign invaders who were lured by its geopolitical position, at the crossroads between Africa and Asia, and by the natural beauty and fertility of its land. Over the centuries it managed to successfully defend itself from colonial domination and became a symbol of hope, independence and freedom for Africa. Ethiopia’s ancient and rich culture can be traced to pre-historic times. Archaeological findings have identified Ethiopia as one of the cradles of mankind. The discovery of one of the most complete hominoids as well as ancient cave paintings and tools, are but some of the evidences of its pre-historic glory. Ethiopia has so much to offer visitors, the Historic Route, covering the ancient town of Axum, with its amazing carved obelisks, Christian festivals and relics, including the Arc of the Covenant; Gondar, with its castles and monasteries; Lalibela, with its remarkable Rock-Hewn churches, the palace of Abba Jiffar in Jimma and the walled Muslim city of Harar. In town of Wukro, in Tigray, you would find Ahmad Al-Negashi, where the first followers Islam made their Hajira. Where as, the beautiful lime stone cave of Sof Omar is also en route to the Shiek Hussen, where Ethiopian Moslems make their annual pilgrimage. In Dire Dawa, you can see caved paintings considered to be thousands of years old. Addis Ababa is Ethiopia's capital city as well as the political capital of Africa and the home of African Union and Economic Commission for Africa. With its first-class hotels and restaurants, museums and palaces, and Merkato, Africa's largest open-air market the capital city has so much to offer, too. Ethiopia has always been called "The land of a thousand smiles". Ethiopia is a land of wonder and enchantment, a country with one of the richest histories on the African continent, a land of contrasts and surprises, of remote wild places, home to cultured and friendly people who have descended from some of the world's oldest civilizations. This is the land of the fabled Queen of Sheba, home of the Arc of the Covenant, the birthplace of coffee and the cradle of mankind. The various languages and customs of the country are a testimony to its diverse culture. Amharic, Oromiffa, Tigrigna and Somali are the major languages spoken by the majority of the population. Christians, Muslims and Jews have co-existed for centuries. Some scholars even affirm: “Ethiopia is the fountain-head and repository of the history and culture of the black race of the world”.

lake - WONCHI - Kratersee

lake - WONCHI - Kratersee

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